Progress Report 9/2/14

It has been hectic since the last update. No new progress on A Darkling Nine, though the next edit pass must begin soon. Over on the business side, I’ve been recording the first season of a podcast called Copy This!. It’s a business podcast that will talk about copywriting and… Continue reading

Progress Report – 7/28/14

It’s been quite some time since I posted a progress report, mainly because there hadn’t been any progress to report. There are some developments in the works. There is a lot happening under the hood here at Entropy Central. First, I have been actively editing A Darkling Nine since about… Continue reading

Self-Editing is Hard

Yesterday, I posted about writing being hard. Today, let’s discuss the concept that Self-Editing is hard. When you write, it’s an attempt to take a concept from inside your head and communicate it to other people. Some writing fails because the complete thought doesn’t make it to the page. Other… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Revision is a Momentum-Killer

One of the challenges I face in my writing career is that of momentum. It can easily be summarized with Newton’s First Law = An object at rest remains at rest, an object in motion remains in motion. I am very much a momentum writer. I wrote my short novel… Continue reading

Monday StatusReport – 5/6/13

I managed to edit about a hundred pages of A Darkling Nine this week, much of it yesterday. It’s coming along nicely, but I have not yet reached the point where I stopped writing for several months. I’m not sure how much I’ll get to edit this coming week as… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Let it Go Stale

One thing some beginning writers often struggle with is rushing work out the door. You finish a story or article and send it out into the world with minimal edits. The reasons for this can be many. Perhaps the writer is trying to pump up the race score. (See Dean… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Repetitive Tics

Every writer has their own peculiar set of words that tend to be repeated too often. I tend to use ‘then’ a lot. I also have a few ways of wording things that are not efficient, nor particularly smooth reading. In the initial draft, I just let it go. The… Continue reading

Colin Harvey Memorial Anthology

Back in August of 2011, we lost a fellow by the name of Colin Harvey. Colin was an up-and-coming science fiction writer from the UK. I had never met him in person, but at the time, I had been forming a pretty good online relationship,and assumed that one day we’d… Continue reading

Fishpunk Nearing Release

Finally, I have some news on Fishpunk. I completed edits based on first reader comments, and have only a few minor details to address before I can call it a wrap. Yesterday, I received the final cover painting. It is gorgeous, but it still needs lettering. I’ll be posting the… Continue reading

A Little Retooling of Goals

When a person makes a goal at the beginning of the year, sometimes things change along the way, and those objectives might change, as well. While working on A Darkling Nine, I came to a point in the story where I didn’t really know how things should resolve. That means… Continue reading