Entropy Central

The Post in Which I Utter a Naughty Word

Congress has finally passed the health care reform bill and I sit here not on the side of the Democrats rejoicing in their victory, nor do I sit here in rebellion along with the incensed Republicans.  Rather, I sit here absolutely disgusted at what American politics has turned into.

For one, I never thought that Obama would be the model politician of his time, but he’s the only one who is acting even remotely like an adult.  Congressional Democrats passed a bill they don’t understand and most haven’t read–it’s over a thousand pages long.  Congressional Republicans are acting on a spectrum from class clown to neo-Nazi bigots.

Here in Arizona, John McCain hasn’t represented anybody in the senate since I moved here over ten years ago, he’s been too busy campaigning.  His opponent in the Republican primary is one J.D. Hayworth, who used to be my congressional representative until ousted by Democrat Harry Mitchell.  Hayworth has turned into a flaming gasbag of lies and rhetoric, while McCain struggles to maintain his maverickism and spends all his time on talk radio interviews.  Meanwhile, Harry Mitchell, who I rewarded for surprisingly good service in his freshman term by voting for him, has turned into a stonewalling bastard who doesn’t represent the will of his constituents.

The Arizona government is, to be frank, a bunch of fucking morons who care more about deciding what HORSE should be the state horse than fixing the budget problems that are the worst in the nation.  These are the same people who, back in 2004 with a huge surplus, were having arguments about how to spend all the money.  I’m just an ignorant engineer but I could see the economic catastrophe looming on the horizon back then.  But using that surplus to fix the budget today, that would have taken some forethought and intelligence.  The cumulative intelligence of the Arizona state government, both houses and the Governor combined is less than that of a javalina.

In the county, we have what used to be the World’s Toughest Sheriff now battling with the board of supervisors, racking up millions of dollars in legal fees for what appears to be political vendettas.  And we still have not had disclosure about what the hell the good sheriff was doing in South America.  In fact, I don’t think the Sheriff is in charge at all. I think his fat slob disgrace to wear a uniform chief deputy is running the show.  Don’t law enforcement officers have to pass some kind of a physical?  This guy is a power-hungry badge-inflated cholesterol-line heart attack waiting to happen.

They used to say that good people don’t run for office because of what the media will do to them.  Now, it seems that only people with brains mutated into broccoli are in office.   I doubt I will vote for any incumbent next election.  I want them all gone.

By the way, this is the lucky guy getting all the attention in the Arizona state capitol.

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