Entropy Central

Ten Things I Like About Now

Yesterday, I posted about 10 things I miss from days gone by. today, let’s take the flip side.  What’s better now?

1) Reconnecting – I am back in touch with people I never thought I’d hear from again.

2) The e-Publishing revolution -  This puts the power of print back into the hands of the writers who create content. Right where it should be.

3) The Green Bay Packers – I grew up watching Bart Starr coaching, losing season after losing season.  I am not a bandwagon Packers fan, I was pushing the bandwagon when nobody else wanted any part of it.

4) Twitter – I hear news before I even know anything happened.

5) Texting – I can contact my kids when I have no idea where they are.

6) Fishkeeping – This hobby has developed so much in the past thirty years that it is now possible to keep many species alive in captivity that would have died thirty years ago.  It’s all about the health of the fish and creating proper conditions for a happy animal. Captive breeding programs have significantly reduced the impact of wild fish collection that in the past had imperiled a number of species.  Modern techniques have also allowed dedicated hobbyists to keep alive species that are extinct in the wild, making it possible that one day these populations might be reestablished.

7) Survival – Global politics have shifted such that universal armageddon is much less of a possibility.  Today’s kids do not have to go through nuclear attack drills at school.

8) LED lighting – LED lighting is revolutionizing little things like Christmas lights, desk lamps, and aquarium lighting.  Better efficiency, more light for less power.

9) Racial Tensions – While we still have a lot of problems, people sure seem to be more accepting of others today than they were thirty years ago.

10) Wisdom – If I knew then what I know now…

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