Entropy Central

Social Media Sabbatical

Today is day two of my self-imposed social media sabbatical. I went into this digital seclusion for a number of reasons which all come down to my own productivity in one way or another.

I got derailed on a novel-in-progress when school ended last summer and have not picked it back up. I started a new copywriting business and clients are starting to emerge. I have written an insignificant amount of short fiction in recent years. I am far behind on the number of non-fiction articles I want to write.

I am very much a momentum worker. It’s a great asset to have when chugging along on a project, but it’s a curse when derailed because it tends to manifest as stagnation. I don’t mean doing nothing, rather, I just mean constantly working on things other than what I really want to work on.

In recent weeks, I have been researching how a person can self-train to become more focused.

So, I decided that I need to make a change on a temporary basis to ponder what changes to make on a more permanent basis. I’m not talking about major changes here. I have released three novels in the past two years, and that’s a better pace than many writers.

I’m not talking major lifestyle changes here. What I’m trying to do is more subtle and maybe more difficult. I’m trying to take things to the next level and accomplish more with higher quality and in the same amount of time or less. I want to do this without sacrificing the time reserved for my family. The questions about how to accomplish this are going to take, well, time to find answers for.

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