Entropy Central

Monday Status Report 3-11-13

Rough water on the fiction side this week. I only managed a hair over 7000 words, with two zero days and two partial word count days.

Monday afternoon I received a phone call from a client for a rush job. I stopped working on the novel immediately and went to work on the project. I met the deadline, but it wiped me out. Got back on the horse Wednesday to Friday, but Saturday was the annual Southwest Area Killifish Event (SAKE) and I spent most of the day there, When I got home, I spent three hours setting up tanks and acclimating animals to their new homes (see yesterday’s post for species list of my new arrivals).

Sunday, well, let’s just say home maintenance and helping the spouse with the laundry is sometimes just more important than word count, and we had one of those days.

So, totals: On the week, 7047 against a target of 12250. A Darkling Nine total at 76253 of the target 110,000. 7-day moving average at 1007 words.

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