Entropy Central

Coppercon Schedule

Here is my schedule of appearances at Coppercon 27 September 7,8,9 at the Embassy Suites North on the southeast corner of I-17 (Black Canyon Freeway) and Greenway. This is my only convention for 2007.

My agenda is all Saturday.

Sat 10a-11a Suite D Humor in the Genre
with Bennie Grezlik (moderator), David Brown

Sat 2p-3p Suite E Big Ideas Were Our Mainstay
with Michael Contos (moderator), Bennie Grezlik

Sat 3p-4p Suite E Publishing Short Stories
with David Lee Summers (moderator), Jack Mangan

Sat 5p-530p Room 1123 Reading “Hole in the Wall”

HUMOR IN THE GENRE. What does it take to write successful humor? Is it in jokes? Wry observations by a character? Situational comedy?

BIG IDEAS WERE OUR MAINSTAY. It was the grand vision of space exploration that fueled our early science fiction. Does it still have an appeal or have we beat it to death? Are there any other grand visions out there that have universal appeal?

PUBLISHING SHORT STORIES: The first one is the hardest. Are you writing and unpublished? Two fiction writers and an editor discuss breaking into the short fiction market. They will discuss marketing techniques that work, what editors look for in a submission and other advice to help you on the road to publication.

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