Entropy Central

Some Things Never Change

It seems some things never change. Persons in a position of power still take advantage of people whom they are in a position to help. What I’m talking about here is based upon what Jim Hines called to my attention via his Live Journal entry about some very inexcusable behavior that occurred at the recent World Fantasy convention.

It seems there are still some men who think it’s okay to grope or make lewd or suggestive comments to women. In this scenario, we have a female writer and a male editor who holds the writer’s future in his hands. He can make or break her career, at least in the short term. This editor believes that his position of power makes groping okay.

It isn’t okay. I hate reading about this sort of thing because just when I think the people in my genre have grown up and started to behave themselves, this sort of story comes out of a convention. The problem is, I’m a guy, so these kinds of things aren’t really on my radar because I’m not likely to become a victim and women don’t like to discuss being a victim, especially with guys. But, unfortunately it does happen, and I’m learning that it happens far more often than I realized.

And, it makes my blood boil. Even reading about such an experience starts an adrenaline rush that makes me want to knock out a few of the offender’s teeth. Obviously, from a distance and from several days after the incident, the adrenaline doesn’t do anything to help.

Still, I’m not completely helpless. If I’m at a con and I witness this type of abuse of power, which can only be called a sexual assault, I will intervene. If you are a groper and I catch you in the act, not only will I stop it, your career is finished. I know a lot of people and can spread the word quickly. I don’t even care if you are also my editor. Sexual assault against anyone by my editor voids any business relationship I have with you, and I will have a clause in my contract to guarantee it.

If you are a writer at a convention and you are going into a situation (say a 1-on-1 meeting) where this kind of thing could happen, let me know. I will be in the vicinity, close enough to intervene if necessary. Hopefully, just the fact that somebody is waiting outside the door will be enough of a deterrent to prevent it.

This kind of behavior has to end, and it has to end now.

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