Entropy Central

LepreCon 37 days 2 and 3

Saturday, I sat on a panel with Sam Sykes and Will Shetterly on working-class heroes. It was a fun panel with three opinions on the subject that overlapped quite a bit, but were definitely not the same. I think I sat on a panel with Will a few years ago. It was my first time on a panel with Sam, who is definitely an entertaining personality.

The other panel I sat on was saturday evening, this time with Ian Trelligis. The panel was on when is genre not genre. We had an interesting discussion about the overlapping of different genres, and a substantial portion of that was the overlap of literary with genre.

During the four hours between panels, I mainly mingled with different people I had met over the years, and also some I met this weekend.

Today, I had one panel with local writer Gini Koch, another writer who I had not met, although I have seen her at conventions many times in the past.

Overall, it was a pretty good convention. I tend to like smaller conventions because I’m somewhat crowd averse, so this was about right for me.

I managed to get several cell phone photos with different authors, so those will be going into the gallery over the next several days.

The result of the convention for me is increased motivation to write new material, and that’s always a good thing.

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