Entropy Central

Progress Report – 3/5/12

To continue a practice I started while I was working on Rigel Kentaurus, I’ll be posting a weekly progress report as I write Fishpunk.

Novel-length projects often start sluggish for me, and this one is no exception. It took a good 4 days before I really hit my stride. I’ve actually been working on it for 10 days, but the first three amounted to barely over 1000 words. That’s a mere 2/3 of my daily minimum target.

For the previous 7-day period, I managed 11,236 words, which is right on target despite a busy week with unusual school schedule for the kids and other distractions.

I also received the trade paperback proof of Rigel Kentaurus from CreateSpace, and have proofed about 1/5 of it so far. The back cover looks pixelated, so that’s something I will have to address before it’s released. I also re-did the cover for Neanderthal Swan Song while I was building Rigel Kentaurus, so that back cover is probably also pixelated.

I intend to have copies of both novels in trade paperback when I attend LepreCon early next month, as well as several copies of 2020 Visions.

Also this past week, I delivered a short fishkeeping article and a Star Trek themed crosswrord puzzle to ConNotations, the local spec-fic newspaper.

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