Entropy Central

Progress Report – 4/2/12

I had consistency this past week, hitting the word count every day, and only really shooing well past that target once. For the week, 11,425 words added to “Fishpunk,” bringing the total to 53,712 words of a projected 80,000. I’m getting close to the climax of the story, so unless something sinister happens in real life, I will finish the first draft of the novel later this month.

This coming week will be a challenge. I’ll be attending LepreCon this weekend, and they have me on plenty of panels. Losing the weekend may set me back by two days, but this close to the end, I’m not going to sweat a two day slip.

In other news, Rigel Kentaurus sold quite well during the month of March, coming off the free promotion in late February. March was my best month ever in terms of sales by a wide margin. While that torrid pace early in the month is probably not sustainable, I do sincerely thank everyone who purchased a copy.

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