Entropy Central

Update – 5/7/12

As I have for the past three novels, whenever I’m working on long fiction, I post weekly updates on Monday. This is to keep me going by publicly proclaiming whether I’m working or doing something else, and that keeps me working. I started a new novel on May 1st, so here is the first of the updates for A Darkling Nine.

One thing to note is that I upped my daily quota from 1500 to 1750 words a day. The first two days, I blew past that to over 2000 words. The next couple of days were more difficult, crossing the finish line as late as 11:30PM.

Yesterday, I had to dig out a sprinkler head in the front lawn, and ended up with a functional irrigation system, but also a swollen hand that i really couldn’t use for typing. I tried to carry on one-handed, but that didn’t last very long. I’ve had this before and usually it’s gone completely in 3 days, but I can type now.

For the week:
10,462 words (6 days – started on Tuesday)
Novel Total
10,467 words

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