Entropy Central

Rio Grande Gorge

A couple days after we got back to New Mexico from Colorado Springs, we decided to head down to Taos. I’ll talk about that tomorrow. Before we got to Taos, we stopped at the Rio Grande Gorge.

Maybe twelve miles from Taos at the crow flies, you cross this bridge.

I can’t imagine the reaction of settlers pulling their covered wagons toward Taos* to enjoy the art culture only to be thwarted by this big crack in the ground. For the most part, the images speak for themselves.

This is how the desert around the gorge looks.

Monsoon weather hit the Southwest that week. We headed back to the car when these showers started to get close.

And on the way back to the car, I snapped this photo of a dust devil. There were actually two of them simultaneously, but they were too far apart to get into the same photo. This was the better looking of the two.

Tomorrow, Taos.

* Yes, I am aware that Taos wouldn’t have been there yet.

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