Entropy Central

Fish Friday – Sake Fish, Heterandria Formosa

Finally, the last species I won at auction at Soutwest Area Killifish Event (SAKE) last March.

This is one I had before, Heterandria formosa, also known as the least killifish. Despite the common name, this is not a killifish at all, but a livebearer. It is the smallest in North America with females barely pushing an inch long, the males a bit smaller.

You can see two fish that are probably females near the top of the photo swimming in and out of the Java moss floating near the surface. I won a pair at auction, and lost the male when I went out to San Diego over spring break with the family. Fortunately, the female was already gravid, so the line managed to squeak by that setback. The tank is up to about 12 fish ranging from tiny fry to the original female.

This is a fun little fish that pretty much takes care of itself. It grazes algae and will eat flake food. Breeding this fish requires no effort on the fishkeeper’s part.

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