Entropy Central

Wednesday Writer – Maya Lassiter

Today, I’m posting my interview with Maya Lassiter. She is a member of Codex, as I am, but I don’t know her all that well. I used the interview to learn a little more about her and what she writes. I hope you enjoy it.

My books always have a strong character focus with a bit of magic on the side. Contemporary fantasy. Urban fantasy. The exception to the “contemporary” is the Violin Maker’s Wife, co-written with Luc Reid, which is a period piece set in 1870’s Missouri.
Toby Streams the Universe, about a family of psychic’s living in NYC, seems to be my most popular book, so I’d suggest starting with that one.

How does any lifestyle come about? One choice at a time, I guess. It helps that my husband and I seem to be into the same things.

I contract with a cover artist, a developmental editor, a copy editor, and someone to do the formatting/tech component. I spend about $1000 per book, the earnings for one paying for the next. I have been doing the cover design myself.

I’m not closed to the idea, but I’m not currently pursuing any NY contacts.

Samuel Delany is a huge influence. Some other favorites are Emma Bull, Caitlin Kiernan, Neil Gaiman, and Ursula Le Guin (may I one day touch the hem of her skirt).

I am in the last stages of writing The Lucidity Effect, a novel about a woman who’s dreams have become infected with a parasitical entity. That one is slated to publish in summer 2013. Aside from that, in my mind are many coalescing ideas for the next novel, a handful of characters, settings, a few scenes…I love that stage, it’s always so exciting and sparkly.

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