Entropy Central

Fish Friday – The Endangered Desert Pupfish

I’m breaking from talking about the fishes I won at auction at SAKE last month to tell you about something interesting that happens tomorrow. My son is working on his eagle project, a major step in becoming an eagle scout.

For his project, he will be clearing access around ponds where the desert pupfish is kept in order to allow the population to grow for reintroduction into the wild. While this is a robust fish that can withstand harsh conditions, it cannot handle larger invasive species, nor can it adapt well to habitat destruction.

My son and a group of boys will be clearing access so Game and Fish can back their trucks up to the pond. This is so they can maintain clean conditions and so they can keep the gene pool diversified by crossing populations in their different ponds. (This is something I do with my desert gobies.)

Right now, the ponds look pretty grown in, as you can see.

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