Entropy Central

Monday Status Report – 6/24/13

It was a very busy week that involved family activities, including several days at Oceanside, CA.

I did begin writing Proxima Centauri, the sequel to Rigel Kentaurus. I’m not anywhere near as far along as I had hoped to be, but I’ve had a huge uptick in workload on the business side. This is good for making a living, not so good for fiction productivity.

Still, I had to go back and reread some of Malshaak’s parts in Rigel Kentaurus to get his voice back. I wrote not one, but two prologues, and I’m into the second chapter.

So, a few hints about the novel in progress. Malshaak is back, as are Frank Lassiter and Gina Fernandez. We’re going to meet a few new characters and we’ll get to see some new situations. I’m looking forward to getting this one going, though I suspect it will be fits and starts for a few weeks as I work through the business projects. Clients come first.


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