Entropy Central

Progress Report 9/2/14

It has been hectic since the last update. No new progress on A Darkling Nine, though the next edit pass must begin soon.

Over on the business side, I’ve been recording the first season of a podcast called Copy This!. It’s a business podcast that will talk about copywriting and online presence for small businesses. Once I get the first season in the can, I’ll be starting to read for the audio version of Fishpunk.

Although the stretch goals are now unrealistic, I can still hit my goal of finishing the first draft of the sequel to Rigel Kentaurus before the end of the year. With everything on my plate, I doubt I’ll get to it before October. I wrote Fishpunk in about 6 weeks, so still there’s plenty of time for this.

Completed since the last update is a short story called Across the White, which is a part of J. Alan Erwine’s invitational anthology Taurin Tales. I’m not usually fond of writing in shared worlds, especially if they aren’t famous commodities like Star Wars. That said, I’ve written several shared world stories now, and it’s mainly for editors who have been good to me over the years. Erwine certainly has bought enough of my stories to fall into that category.

Here’s a little more info on the anthology Taurin Tales.

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