The Heat is on

A second day of very hot temperatures graced the valley of the sun, though we only hit 108 today. A big low pressure system is on its way, so the temps should be dropping. The next three days are forecast to hit 98 84 79. Thermal whiplash, but I can’t complain about the 79 on friday.

The kids are finishing up school. Wednesday is the last full day, thursday is the last day, but only a half-day. The big end-of-year piano recital is this coming sunday. I should have some video to post. I have some from last week’s band concert (Reanna’s), but I haven’t reviewed to see if anything is decent enough quality to post.

I worked more on the new short story again this evening. It might be the ticket to get me writing regularly again. I’m not sure how good the story is going to be, but the important thing is that it’s growing.

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