More Progress

I’m positioning myself to open a Kindle account for my fiction. In process of that, I registered a new domain name to use in the publisher field. I now own, which redirects over to (I also bougth because it was under a dollar.  It redirects the same way.)

One other thing I need to do is prepare another short story for my free area. Amazon stipulates that whatever you sell at the Kindle store may not be found elsewhere for a lower price. That means that once I upload the three stories in my free area to Amazon, I have to move them into the pay area.

But, I want to always have something available in the free area, so I have started preparing another story called Magnetic Monopoly to move into the free area to take the place of the ones I am moving out.

In addition to the three stories, I will also be posting a the entire trilogy in one document both on my web site and on Amazon.

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