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When we got back from California this past Monday, there was a surprise on my answering machine. My ISP, with whom I have had good success with for the eleven years I used their services, decided to dump me. On short notice, they decided to no longer service this area. They called on saturday, but I did not get the message until Monday evening.

Qwest got a request into MSN, who supports their DSL service, on tuesday when I called. As of this morning, I still hadn’t heard from them. My old ISP managed to hold on to me for an extra day, so I had internet through yesterday. This morning, I had nothing.

A quick support call to Qwest and they got me set up within 30 minutes. While I haven’t always had the best of luck dealing with Qwest, particularly their DirecTV partner (a story for another time) today everything went very smooth. I thank them for it.

I am here.

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