Tank Photos – Apistogramma cacatuoides

This is a 29-gallon planted tank and is my most heavily populated at the moment.  Inside, I have 13 false Penguin Tetras, two bushynose plecos, and four (maybe 3 now) Apistos.  The tetras are what we call dither fish.  They school, and when skittish fish like apistos see fish school, it tells them no predators are around.







The two white fish are flame strain Apistogramma cacatuoides.  They are very young, just starting to get orange color on their fins.  The other apisto is darker brown with more prominent orange on the caudal fin.  they are dwarf cichlids, so they won’t get much bigger.

Again, I had lighting issues that caused a lot of reflections in this tank.  That, and the fish are very active, so its hard to catch them sitting still for long.

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