Monday Status Report 4/1/13 (Late due to server issues)

I finished up the first draft of A Darkling Nine last week, and good thing, too. I was swamped with events, including a trip to San Diego, and having to euthanize a dog we’ve had for 13 years. The second of those came as a total surprise to us, but she had a massive cancerous tumor all over her abdomen. We had thought she was just fat as she had struggled with a weight problem her entire life, but that turned out not to be the case. It was a sad time for all of us.

In terms of writing, I’ve been putting some thought into the sequel for Rigel Kentaurus, tentatively called Barnard’s Star. I have some weak tendrils of plot that my feeble mind is trying to tie together into something more tangible. I hope to begin writing within the next month or so. In the mean time, A Darkling Nine rests until I feel ready to start the revision process.

In other news, my LepreCon schedule is starting to come together. I’ll be on a panel with Jack McDevitt and also giving a lecture on the Endler’s Livebearer. As far as I know, it’s a first for a SF convention, but they are giving it a shot to see what kind of response it gets. There’s plenty of story there, so hopefully it will be well received.

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