Results are in

Today was make-up day for the Arizona Study Program piano evaluation and theory test for kids with a school-related absence during the main event last weekend. Audrey was on the school band trip to San Diego last weekend, so we drove into central Phoenix for her turn.

With the added pressure of knowing her sister scored a 98 on the level 5 exam, Audrey went into her level 6 exam with some nerves. They served her well, she scored an 84. Anything above 70 is passing. She played her pieces well, and only fumbled once on a cadence. She earned a purple ribbon for superior with honors, same as Reanna.

All this was after the post-500-mile oil change on the truck. On the way back from the evaluation, I stopped at the scout shop and spent far too much money. I spent more money at Leslies on parts for the baracuda.

First, I found a crack or cut in the flexible tubing that fits on the end of the cylinder on the upper right. Replaced it, and the thing still wasn’t moving like it should.

If you unscrew the white ring on the cylinder, you can lift out the diaphragm, which is the only moving part. The diaphragm has a venturi that sits at the end of what looks like a handle, maybe a little lower. It has a tendency to crack after use, too. It was the first thing I checked and I didn’t see the cut. In fact, I checked it four times before I saw the damage.

They changed the color of it again. Now the diaphragm is yellow and supposedly more robust. We’ll see. After I replace the old white diaphragm with the new yellow one, everything worked fine. Stupid piece of hard rubber that costs $40. It can’t cost more than a quarter to make the thing.

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