A Few Ground Rules

I know that a lot of family members on both my wife’s side and my side are following this blog, as are some people who are not related. I thought I’d take a moment to explicitly state what you will and will not be likely to find here.

You are likely to find:
+ Updates on my writing (or lack thereof)–the original intent of this blog.
+ Discussions of writing and fiction in general.
+ Updates on the Iapetus Project and our musical household in general.
+ Pictures of life in our household.
+ Book reviews.
+ Opinion on world and local events.
+ Whatever strikes my fancy at any given moment.

You are not likely to find:
+ Anything related to my full-time employer.
+ Family politics.
+ My opinion of my wife’s or my relatives (positive or negative).
+ Political campaigning.

These items are considered “dirty laundry” and should not be aired in public.

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