Analysis Paralysis

Looks like we’re paying for our mild spring now with all the heat we missed then piling up on us now. I don’t really pay attention to the temperature once it gets above 110 degrees. It’s just bleedin’ hot.


A couple of months ago I was turned on to Google Analytics. It analyzes your web traffic and, among other things, lets you know where your hits are coming from.

If you have a web site or a blog, I recommend using the service. There is no charge and the information is fun to look at. For instance, I’ve had 12 hits from Malaysia in the past 30 days. Seven of those hits are from a place called Ipoh. Two are from Kuala Lumpur. One each are from Melaka, Kuching, and Tawua. I’ve never been to any of these places (though I do interface with a number of Malaysians at work. If it’s you guys visiting, **hi!**)

Of course, I have many more hits from the U.S. Most of the steady readers are friends (mainly other writers) and family on both my side and my wife’s, but the overall trend is one of gaining readers since I started posting regularly. F’rinstance, the hits in Florida likely from somebody I’ve never met.

One of these days I’ll figure out a way to capture the maps and post them here.


So you say to yourself, how many sages does this guy have? Well, there are a lot of them in the back yard. The things grow with zero maintenance. No watering needed, ever. Purple flowers often. The only drawback is that they get really big, so you have to cut them back at least once a summer, usually twice.
The ones I’ve been posting were trimmed toward the end of last summer. I have one in the front yard that is ready for pruning, the thing is huge. I have a picture of that one, too, but it looks deceptively small. I may need to take another.

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