May 7th Stream of Consciousness

Yes, I admit I am running a little thin on blog post titles. I put in another 3 hours of census work in the heat today. It’s getting rough with temps in the mid-nineties. I really wears you down, and my creativity is sapped after that’s finished.

Fortunately, I managed to log about 1300 words on “Swing Shift,” my work in progress, before heading out to deal with trying to earn a few bucks.  The story is finally coming along.  I have major plot points marked in my head, but getting from point to point has been unusually difficult.  Still, I think this is a pretty good story.  It had better be, it’s already over 6000 words and I have a long way to go before it’s finished.

I picked up a book on jazz guitar this afternoon.  Not ready to use it yet, I’m still plowing through the Mel Bay book for like the third time.  I spent about two weeks on the chord progression for Star Spangled Banner and I finally have it down pretty well.  I never really had the feel for C and G7 until I spent that much time using those two chords.  They are getting fairly comfortable now, which means I can’t be as lazy with my fret hand. I don’t have a particularly good reach, my fingers are kind of short, so I have to move my hand around a lot.  (That’s one reason I want to learn to play slide guitar, I won’t have that problem.)

The Phoenix Suns whomped San Antonio again, proving, I think, that this is not the same old Suns that used to get beat every year in San Antonio.  Hopefully this will be the year.

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