Angry Robot

It’s decision time for me. Publisher Angry Robot has an open call for unrepresented novel manuscripts. I have a novel manuscript that I am converting to EPUB format.

The question becomes, do I halt the work and submit to the Angry Robot call, or do I push ahead and electronically publish the book myself.

Factors under consideration:
1) The book is a number of years old and not really all that representative of my current style.
2) It is still early in the EPUB game, but I think the window of opportunity for “early adapters” is quickly closing–maybe by the end of this year.
3) Without a publisher there will be no paper option.
4) If I submit and they don’t want to publish the book, I could lose as much as 6 months on my time to market for publishing it electronically.

Big decision, and I’m not sure which way I will go yet.

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