Still Singin’ the DSL Blues

As the disasterous conversion to the Quest package continues, I await my second appointment with the Direct TV guy, who wrecked three cars and wasted 4 hours of my precious vacation time when his ladder flew off his truck on the freeway. Another 4 hours thiscoming friday and hopefully I’ll… Continue reading

Interesting Statistics

The current issue of Locus has the results of their annual survey. In the reading section, they asked about what types of SF and fantasy their respondants liked. The speculative genre seems to be doing better across the board. Under the Do you like… question, SF hit 90% for the… Continue reading

Dark and Light?

I’ve noticed something since I started writing–dark fiction seems to sell. Markets that specifiy dark fiction seem outnumber the others by a significant margin. It gets me wondering why. This train of thought was brought about by some comments on the Darker Matter web site about my story Chaos Theory…. Continue reading

The Respite is Over

So much for our sub-hundred-degree days. Today and yesterday, the remnants of Hurricane Dean came roaring through the desert, leaving nary a drop of water on the ground, but plenty of humidity in the air. It also dropped our temperatures below 100 degrees for the weekend. We go back to… Continue reading

Coppercon Schedule

Here is my schedule of appearances at Coppercon 27 September 7,8,9 at the Embassy Suites North on the southeast corner of I-17 (Black Canyon Freeway) and Greenway. This is my only convention for 2007. My agenda is all Saturday. Sat 10a-11a Suite D Humor in the Genre with Bennie Grezlik… Continue reading