Calm Before the Storm

Got a large envelope in the mail that contained a surprise. Audrey got a certificate that proclaimed she made the honor roll for 4th quarter.

This evening was really the calm before the storm. Reanna had her percussion lesson, and when we got home, I helped Russell pack for camp. His backpack, purchased for Webelos, is too small for a week, so he’s using mine. Maybe a good thing I’m only going for the last night. I can use his.

Reanna has a percussion recital tomorrow. She has a rehearsal at 10:00 and the recital at 2:00. Russell leaves for camp at 9:30, so at least we can do only one trip.


This is my grapefruit tree. The fruit is sweet, with pink meat that is mostly juice. Very tasty. You can see some green grapefruits growing near the top right. Those won’t turn yellow until the temperature drops significantly, probably in November or December.

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