LepreCon Day 2

Today was the day I earned my free pass to the staff lounge and the food inside. I sat on two panels, had a reading and a signing. I read from “Return to the Moon” and from “Espantalho de Sao Paolo,” both unpublished works and had good reaction from both.

The two panels were somewhat related. The first was on social media (with Ken St. Andre, Jack Mangan, and Michael A. Stackpole.) and was a very productive and informative discussion of the role of social media in the career of a writer.

That segued well into the next panel 9only a mere 3 hours later) on Being an Author int he 21st Century. That panel included Stackpole, Adam Niswander and Rick Cook.

As seems to always happen when I’m on a late panel with stackpole, we went way long, but this is a very rich topic. We all brought a different perspective to the discussion. I couldn’t possibly summarize all that was said, but it’s still fascinating to me that so many science fiction writers are neglecting this fairly obvious trend and don’t market and sell their previously published material. The panel also gave me the opportunity to pump my free e-book on writing e-books. Find “E-Books for the 21st Century Author here.

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