Writing Again, Still

I finally think I made it over the hurdle. The writing paralysis that I have been struggling with over the past several years is, I hope, a thing of the past. I have been pretty much constantly working on projects since I started the article on the Endler’s Livebearers for the ALA.

In fact, the only stepping away I have done was in conjunction with the upheaval of redoing the home office and setting up the new fish tanks. Once the bulk of that work ended, it’s been back to the writing again.

It will very shortly be back to the novel edits I tabled about two weeks ago. Then, I have a bunch of short stories in various stages of completion that I would like to wrap up in order to get the inventory back up. Then, it’s on to finishing the two half-finished novels I started over the past couple of years.

It feels really good to be productive again. Hopefully I will have more announcements about sales in the near future.

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