Progress Report – 3/12/12

This week, I made good progress through friday, but the weekend was a huge distraction for me. SAKE (Southwest Area Killifish Event) consumed my entire Saturday, and Sunday was filled with getting things done around the house.

I ended the week with 8140 words, which is just over 1100 words per day, and about 75% my target. Sunday, I intentionally did not write and focused my available time on editing the trade paperback version of Rigel Kentaurus. I will probably not write any more on Fishpunk until those edits are done, as I need final paper copies for LepreCon in early April. It’s nearly the Ides of March, so I need to finish those this week.

I had some good input on Fishpunk from the father of a childhood friend. This man is a botanist, and helped me to figure out a few sticky plot points.

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