Potpourri – SAKE Results

Back from SAKE and just in the tail end of about 3 hours worth of tank preparation and fish acclimation as I write this (11 PM last night by the time you read it).

A nice event. The speakers were not as good as least year, but still interesting. The selection of killifishes was overwhelming and very tempting, but most of the killi species are pretty incompatible with Phoenix summers and our hard water. That means keeping them requires a ton of reverse osmosis water and a lot of air conditioning in the summertime that I am simply not willing to pay for.

I did come home with a lot more fish than I brought. I’ll probably write more about this on Friday, but here is the species list I brought home:

Pachypanchax playfairii
Pachypanchax omalonotus
Fundulopanchax gardenari
Heterandria formosa
Betta splendens

I’ll give a run down on these species this coming Friday. I also came home with a new batch of micro worms to replace the group I lost last summer. There usually isn’t much competition in the auctions for live food, so I had been waiting for this auction to pick up more. I also bought vinegar eels, which I have never used before and will need to research a bit so I know what to do with them.

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