Monday Status Report – 6/10/13

+ Proxima Centauri Status
On the surface, it looks like I did nothing this week to further the progress of my next novel. True enough, but plenty of groundwork was laid in the form of gedankenexperiment.

While the novel I am about to begin is the second in the Deep Space series that began with Rigel Kentaurus, much of the cranial energy was actually spent in books 3 and 4.

Deep Space Series so far
Rigel Kentaurus (2012)
Proxima Centauri (Late 2013 anticipated)
Sol (Working Title)
Sol II (Deceptive working title. It won’t be called this.)

Oddly enough, I was preparing dinner while my daughter had Transformers Prime on the tube. I couldn’t hear the dialog, but I could clearly hear the music behind some sort of battle. At that moment, the main premise of books 3 and 4 snapped into my head nearly fully formed. (I love when that happens.)

The details of books 3 and 4 forced the details of book 2 into place because–not surprisingly–I must get there from the end of book 1.

+ A Darkling Nine Status

Still in the hands of first readers.

+ Website status
If you’ve visited Entropy Central recently, you probably noticed that the place has been completely remodeled. I changed to a new WordPress theme that I spent a lot of time tweaking to get the look I wanted, and for the most part I am pretty happy with the result.

In addition, I added a newsletter to my arsenal. If you want news about when my material is available, my newsletter subscribers will know about it first. There will also be some insider information on my fictional worlds that will only be available through the newsletter. Sign up here.

+ No word on when Blue Shift magazine #1, featuring my story avast( );, will be available. (Yeah, I realize following a semi-colon with a comma looks weird.)

+ And finally, my writing-related blog posts will be picked up by the SFWAAuthors Twitter account. If that’s how you happened to find me, welcome! Look around. Years and years of accumulation has resulted in a website with quite a bit of content, so take the time to look around.


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