On the Passing of Neil Armstrong

In July of 1969, a four-year-old boy was taken outside by his father. His father pointed up at the moon and told the little boy that for the first time ever, somebody was up there. While my real-time memories of the Apollo program are blurred in the past and recorded… Continue reading

5th Anniversary of International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day

Five years ago today, there existed a controversy about posting professional quality writing for free on the internet. The writers who posted items for free (including myself) adopted the slam “Pixel-Stained Technopeasant” as their own, and declared the day International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day. These folks all posted something new online… Continue reading

Ten Things I Like About Now

Yesterday, I posted about 10 things I miss from days gone by. today, let’s take the flip side.  What’s better now? 1) Reconnecting – I am back in touch with people I never thought I’d hear from again. 2) The e-Publishing revolution -  This puts the power of print back… Continue reading

Ten Things I Miss About Days Gone By

Change is inevitable, and with change goes the loss of way of life.  Most of us are grounded in the time we grow up. It’s our frame of reference.  It’s how we compare generations. I miss a lot of aspects of the years when I grew up.  In no particular… Continue reading

An Abomination – Tattooed Fish, Believe it or not!

Because I live in the northeast corner of town and we have urban mountain that make getting around a bit more difficult, there are a few local fish stores I have not visited.  I made my first visit to a pair of them today. One of the stores, Phoenix Tropical… Continue reading

Steve Jobs and a little of my stupidity

Last night, the world lost one of its great idea people.  When Steve Wozniak, a technical wizard, and Steve jobs, an idea man with charisma, business savvy, and a vision for the future unmatched in the past quarter century. It is a great loss to the world.  To the Apple… Continue reading

I Don’t Want to Remember

It’s hard to believe it has been ten years since those towers fell. The memories are so vivid in my mind, walking down the stairs on that fateful Tuesday morning to get breakfast. I passed into the living room and walked past the television, a 60-inch behemoth that shows everything… Continue reading

Why the Rapture?

As I sat working in the yard this morning, I started thinking about the Rapture hype that we’ve been seeing for the past week. Clearly, most people believe it’s a bunch of hooey. But I have seen billboards proclaiming judgement day’s imminent arrival. Somebody is paying for that ad space,… Continue reading