Woahs of Homeownership

Sometimes, owning a home makes renting look attractive. Take this weekend, for instance. I got home from work friday, looking forward to taking my daughter to her percussion lesson and spending that half hour with Mr. Heinlein. Instead, I discovered $500 worth of air conditioner parts blew out. With a… Continue reading

Nation’s First Freeway Photo Radar

Last week, the City of Scottsdale, Arizona installed the first freeway photo radar system. We already have them at major intersections to catch both speeders and red light runners. The flow of traffic on Loop 101 in the north valley, including the Scottsdale stretch, was upwards of 80 MPH. this… Continue reading

WOTF Result

Well, What a Difference a Day Makes did not make it far in the Q4-2005 Writers of the Future contest. I’m actually glad because the story had several problems. I’ve revised it and sent it to Analog. Last night was the Four Peaks District (Grand Canyon Council BSA) district dinner,… Continue reading