The Difficulty of SF

For the writer, every genre has its quirks and its peculiar difficulties. The peculiar difficulty of science fiction is that, at least to be true to form, there must be an aspect of science that is so integral to the plot that removing it causes the entire story to collapse…. Continue reading

Finish That Novel

Writing a novel can be a daunting task for someone who has never done it. I was that way once. I had countless false starts over many years. Persistence One day, I decided I would finish what I started, no matter what. No matter how bad it turned out, I… Continue reading

It’s Fishpunk!

Last night, I finished the first draft of Fishpunk. It came in about 7000 words shorter than I projected before starting, 73,262 vs 80,000. Not bad for a guess I made in February. Progress this week, 8991 words in 5 days, including a hair below 2500 today for the homestretch…. Continue reading

Indie Writer vs Self-Published Writer

Five years ago, there was no substantial difference between these two types of writers. In fact, the term “indie” wasn’t being bounced around yet, and many of the writers publishing their own work today would never have believed they would do it had you asked even three years ago. Indie… Continue reading

Where Do I Write

Nancy Kress on Saturday posted on her blog about where writers write.  As often happens, this got on my RADAR via Mary Robinette Kowal’s blog  She posted a photo of an elegant desk that can be used for writing while sitting or standing.  The desk has been in her family… Continue reading