Thursday Thoughts – Reverence

Today rounds out the 12 points of the scout law I have been using to fill the first 12 weeks of this new meme. The twelfth point of the Scout Law reads “A scout is reverent.” Rarely do I discuss religion on this blog, and never do I evangelize. I… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Cleanliness

As the Scout Law aspect to the Thursday Thoughts meme winds down, we hit point #11, a scout is clean. I’m not going to pontificate on “clean of mind and body” as the scouts do. Clean living means different things to different people. For instance, a hard-working person with no… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Thrift

Continuing to pass through all the points of the scout law, we hit upon point nine, a scout is thrifty. What a concept for us all, son’t you think? Don’t waste your money, don’t spend what you don’t have. Our economy would be much better off had millions of people… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Cheer

I’ve been running through the 12 points of the scout law to kick off this Thursday thoughts meme. Today’s point is number 8, a scout is cheerful. I don’t look upon this so much as ‘Don’t worry, be happy.’ Rather, what I think Lord Baden Powell had in mind was… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – obedience

I’ve been goign through the 12 points of the scout law, and today we hit point #7, a scout is obedient. Taking this out of context is one of the more controversial points that not everyone will agree upon. Remember that the scout law was written with teenaged boys in… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Kindness

I kicked off the Thursday Thoughts meme by going through the 12 points of the scout law. Today, we hit point number 6, a scout is kind. Kindness. Some people are naturally inclined toward it, others have to work at it. But when you get right down to it, most… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Courtesy

I’ve started this Thursday thoughts series with the 12 points of the scout law, which for the most part are good rules by which to live. Today, we hit the 5th point, a scout is courteous. Courtesy is something sorely lacking in society, at least in the U.S. This is… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Helpful

I started the Thursday thoughts meme by going through the 12 points of the scout law. Today’s thought takes the form of the third point, a scout is helpful. Trying to bring this into every day living is the part where people struggle. Sometimes, we get wrapped up in our… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Trustworthy

New Series of Posts On Thursdays, I will be discussing traits and ways to be a better person. My son has been in scouts for a number of years, so I thought for the first twelve weeks, I would hit the 12 points of the scout law. Now, I know… Continue reading